Salli products are well-suited for demanding work environments. Chairs made of stainless steel, with anti-static upholstery or with polyurethane seats are available. Different castors allow the chair to be used also on uneven surfaces, such as concrete floors. Salli products can withstand heavy use.
On Salli Saddle Chairs it is easy to move around, while the 135-degree angle of the knees, and between the thighs and upper body, guarantee good circulation. Because of the gap in the seat it is possible to maintain the good posture throughout the day; there is no uncomfortable pressure in the genital area.
When sitting on Salli you don’t need to think about the working position but can concentrate on the actual work – work becomes more efficient.
Elbow Rest is optimal for precision work and tasks that require support for arms. Elbow Rest is a valuable aid in installation and assembling work, and also in welding. It is also suitable for control rooms for giving support for elbows when watching monitors.
Almost all chair models are available in ESD. ESD is ideal for electronics industry, where the chair needs to conduct static electricity away from the user. ESD chairs discharge even the smallest electric build-ups. They is also useful in offices as they reduce the number of small electric shocks.
Fire-Resistant Seat Cover is ideal for welders.
Industrial castors are bigger than the standard castors. They are made of solid rubber and very good on uneven surfaces.