
We sit on top of our genitals, which surely is not good for the circulation or nerve functions. You can shut down a vein from the back of your hand by pressing it very slightly. The total weight of the whole upper body easily closes down a large number of vessels, preventing circulation in the thighs, buttocks, pelvic floor and genitals. Also the nerve functions are disturbed.

A good seat supports the upper body from the bones, not from the muscles. The back portion of the male pubic bone is directly under the hip. In order to prevent this bone from shutting down the main arteries and nerves of their genitals, men tilt their pelvis back unconsciously, which results in the lumbar vertebrae being in a harmful position as the lower back is rounded, not curved as it should be.

When sitting on a traditional padded chair, the padding causes pressure on the soft tissues inside the pelvic opening, creating a pressure field inside the body in the lower part of the pelvis. If the situation continues for a long time (as it does with people doing sedentary work), this pressure and the loss of circulation that comes from it, will stress the organs inside the pelvis (bladder, prostate, colon and rectum) and predispose them to several illnesses, such as cancer. Almost half of all the cancers among men are those in the genitals and inner pelvic area, which is less than one litre by cubic. In addition, every time we sit, our trousers tighten up in the thigh, buttock, groin and genital areas, which disturbs both the blood circulation and the very sensitive lymphatic system just under the skin.

Reducing sitting is a good way to increase the circulation and decrease the excessive pelvic heat. I suggest standing 10–30 % of the office working time but in 15–20 min bits, watching TV by lying down on the carpet on one´s back with a pillow and pelvic floor pressure-free, standing in the buss etc.

Sitting in the conventional way also makes one slouch which in turn puts pressure on the intestine. This position makes the stomach muscles more passive. All this causes the flow of food to slow down and food to pack in the lower part of the colon. The diameter of the colon increases because of the increased internal pressure, and causes diverticulosis (= “pockets” in the colon wall). Thicker colon and rectum press the prostate and bladder, and a poorly working colon can also leak out toxic chemicals, which naturally irritate all organs nearby. Dense network of lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes around the intestine, is designed to clean off all harmful biochemicals from the abdominal cavity.

The two-part saddle chair is clearly the best option for the metabolism of the genitals. Circulation increases even more when one stands up and leaves the desk every now and again, and talks on the phone while standing or walking, preferably by using a bluetooth headset. It is safest to keep the radiation-emitting cell phone on a desk away from you, and certainly not on the belt next to the genitals.

Picture: The sitting pressure in the male pelvic tissue: traditional office chair (pressure on thighs and buttocks), one-part saddle chair (pressure on the genitals), two-part saddle chair (pressure on sitting bones). Pictures from a Teckscan pressure mat.