How to increase productivity in healthcare?

Among all major professional groups, the sick leave rate during working hours is currently catastrophically high in healthcare, ranging from 15-20%, whereas in industry it’s about 7%, and even lower in the ICT/digital sector. The high sickness rate in healthcare reflects poor management of staff health and neglect of preventive measures.

The mantra in the healthcare sector has been that supplements and natural remedies are nonsense, but the industry is now bearing the harsh cost of this erroneous thinking. Just with a properly nutritious staff meal, rich in fiber and nutrients, supplemented by an employer-provided nutrition package of approximately €200 (including vitamins D, multivitamins, Omega3, B12, B9, Mg, Se, I) throughout the year, and support for physical activity, there would already be a significant reduction in sick leaves.

In addition, good workplace ergonomics (swinging saddle chairs with central gaps) would eliminate most of the costly and troublesome musculoskeletal disorders such as lower back pain, posture issues, and neck, shoulder, wrist, hip, and knee problems. These swiftly rolling chairs and quickly adjustable desks would also elevate the practicality and work efficiency to a new level. Desks could be kept at a level where tasks can be quickly performed while standing.

The smartest companies in Finland have achieved sick leave rates of even less than 1% of working hours through the effective application of the aforementioned measures.

By preventive public health policies and the combined effect of several dozen pre-considered measures, a significant drop in healthcare demand could be achieved, which would quickly reduce pressure on personnel and the need for funding.

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