Lennart Mainow is 71 years old manager of a Swedish company that produces height-adjustable work tables. Mainow practices what he preaches. During a work day he sits for only three hours. Despite this, a couple of years ago his doctor discovered an alarmingly high PSA value. Was he developing a prostate cancer? In addition to general health tips, Lennart was told to use loose clothing. He should also avoid sitting for long periods of time, because this increases pressure on the male genitals.
On an expo where he displayed his own products, Lennart started talking to a sales person from Salli Systems. Lennart Mainow decided to try Salli Saddle Chair at work.
– I sat on the chair for about a year and on the next control the values had improved. Danger was over.
Lennart laughs at himself a bit, because after this he changed back to a traditional chair. On the following doctor’s check-up, his values had gotten worse again. He claims he hadn’t changed his lifestyle, food habits or the way he dresses. He had only changed the chair.
– It might be a coincidence, says Lennart, and admits that from now on he will hold on to the Salli chair.
Translation of a Norwegian article in Mediaplanet